Are Owls Dangerous?
Owls are beautiful birds that seem to rack up millions of views in viral videos yearly. Baby owls are adorable, but it’s important to remember that they grow into cunning …
Owls are beautiful birds that seem to rack up millions of views in viral videos yearly. Baby owls are adorable, but it’s important to remember that they grow into cunning …
Peacocks are beautiful birds. While it is common to see peacocks in zoos and other places, we don’t think much about wild peacocks. How do peacocks survive in the wild? …
Owls prey on various animals, including invertebrates, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. But while all species of owls are carnivores, their primary food may differ. Nonetheless, many owl species share …
Hawks are majestic birds that enjoy a reclusive lifestyle. Contrary to popular belief, Hawks don’t kill as many birds as you might think. In fact, studies found that Hawks catch …
Turkey vultures live in several areas in the U.S., and many pet owners worry when they see them circling above their yard or perched on a powerline nearby. They stress …
Earlier this year, the country was awash in cicadas. The 17-year swarm had arrived, and it was all we could talk about. The good thing about the cicada infestation was …
Magpies are sociable birds, and sometimes, their sociability brings them to our backyards. In many cases, people encourage these visits by feeding the birds human foods. Unfortunately, this act of …
If you’re wondering how to raise a baby magpie, you should first know that it’s illegal in many places. Keeping and raising wild animals is against the law in most …
Magpies are opportunistic feeders and will eat just about anything. They hunt for mice, frogs, squirrels, snails/slugs, insects, or any other small animal that crosses their path. Fruits such as …
If you’re lucky enough to live in an area with heron birds, you may have seen them standing with their foot up in a river or gliding effortlessly over some …
There are many types of birds that love to eat cicadas such as warblers, woodpeckers, owls, jays, ravens, and thrushes. The smaller songbirds such as robins and sparrows like to …
Animals like bears hibernate to survive the winter, while animals like snails aestivate to survive hot or dry seasons. However, for most birds, survival during unfavorable seasons involves migration. Since …
If you have been wandering or taking a stroll around lakes, ponds, or forest wetlands, chances are, you have encountered long-legged birds that look similar to swans or flamingos. Although …
When you think of a pelican’s diet, you probably think of fish, amphibians, and crustaceans. But it turns out these carnivorous birds might also feed on some of their fellow …
Everyone love flamingos. Because of their pink color, flamingos are among the most popular birds and since they are safe to care for, a lot of people want to keep …
I love magpie birds. They are intelligent, beautiful, and sing sweet songs. I know you love magpie birds too. If you have a magpie birds, you should consider giving yours …
The Everglades is a vast wetland area in Florida. It is the largest subtropical wetland ecosystem in North America. It has also been referred to as merely a very slow-moving …
Animals have a habit of making changes to adapt to seasonal differences. Some animals hibernate through a certain period, some aestivate, and some migrate. Migration is common among birds. As …
Swans are regarded as one of the most graceful, majestic, and beautiful birds in the world. They are members of the Anatidae family within the Cygnus genus. They are large …
Owls are nocturnal birds known for being spooky with their menacing eyes and shrill shriek. They also have an uncanny stance that only makes them more like the stuff of …