Recycling is not just cool and fun, it is important and good for our planet.
We need to encourage as many people as we can to recycle.
Whether you want to organize a campaign or lead a seminar about recycling, you will need some cool recycling quotes and catchy messages.
In this article, there are over 25 quotes and over 60 catchy phrases about recycling.
Table of Contents
Recycling Quotes
Here are some quotes that were either spoken by popular people or are very inspirational:
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. – Albert Einstein, Physicist

If you want grown-ups to recycle, just tell their kids the importance of recycling, and they’ll recycle. The recycling in my house was imposed by my kids. – Antonio Banderas
We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. – Native American Proverb
There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere. – Annie Leonard, Proponent of Sustainability
If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production. – Pete Seeger, Folk Singer & Social Activist
Consuming less means throwing away less, while reusing things actually helps to save the planet as well as the pennies. – Sheherazade Goldsmith

We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to. – Terry Swearingen, Nurse & Winner of Goldman Environmental Prize in 1997
Recycling Catchy Phrases
Want to collect some catchy phrases that encourage people to recycle? Here you go:

- Never refuse to reuse.
- When in doubt, don’t throw it out!
- Reduce, reuse, recycle.
- Reuse it or lose it.
- Save paper, save trees, save the planet.
- You can’t change the past but you can change the future, always remember to recycle.
- Think before you trash: Recycle.
More Recycling Quotes

Here are more recycling quotes for you:
- We live in a disposable society. It’s easier to throw things out than to fix them. We even give it a name – we call it recycling. – Neil LaBute
- If you’re not buying recycled products, you’re not really recycling. – Ed Begley, Jr.
- Recycling is an area where jobs could be created at low cost. Green collar workers. That’s not very sexy. – Geoff Mulgan
- I like to take out the recycling because I actually feel like I’m doing something. – Mike Quigley
- Increasing recycling in Delaware is an idea whose time has come and, if put off, may not come again. – Ruth Ann Minner

- It’s like recycling: selling old clothes to help make new ones. – Erin O’Connor
- I was brought up to reuse things. – Annabelle Selldorf
- It makes a big difference to recycle. It makes a big difference to use recycled products. It makes a big difference to reuse things, to not use the paper cup – and each time you do, that’s a victory. – Emily Deschanel
- Reducing and reusing take nothing more than a rethink on the way we shop, and using our imagination with the things that we might once have considered junk. – Sheherazade Goldsmith
- I’m mad keen on recycling because I’m worried about the next generation and where all this waste we’re producing is going. It has to stop. I wash out my plastic containers and recycle envelopes, everything I possibly can. – Cherie Lunghi
- I know quite a few eco designers who build dresses out of old couture gowns. They disassemble, ‘upcycle,’ and reuse them in extraordinary ways. To me, that’s a sustainable way of doing things. – Suzy Amis
- We recycle everything in my house. I’m not into any particular organizations, but I’m doing my part and that makes me feel okay. – Mark-Paul Gosselaar
- So I’m going to go on and work on preserving the ozone layer, encouraging everyone to recycle. – Dean Stockwell

- Drinking your own blood is the paradigm of recycling. – Gary Busey
- We are not to throw away those things which can benefit our neighbor. Goods are called good because they can be used for good: they are instruments for good, in the hands of those who use them properly. – Clement of Alexandria
- Recycling is what we do when we’re out of options to avoid, repair, or reuse the product first. Firstly: Reduce. Don’t buy what we don’t need. Repair: Fix stuff that still has life in it. Reuse: Share. Then, only when you’ve exhausted those options, recycle. – Annie Leonard
- You have to keep recycling yourself – Chuck Palahniuk
- Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else. – Fred Rogers, Television Personality
- The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. – Robert Swan, Author
- When you put the whole picture together, recycling is the right thing to do. – Pam Shoemaker, Author
- We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. – Thomas Fuller, Historian
There are even songs you can sing to encourage recycling. Here is one by Wendy Cope:
One green bottle, drop it in the bank.
Ten green bottles, what a lot we drank.
Heaps of bottles and yesterday’s a blank.
But we’ll save the planet, Tinkle, tinkle, clank!
More Recycling Phrases
Catchy phrases can encourage children and adults alike to recycle. Here are some more so you never run out.

- I pity the fool who doesn’t recycle.
- Eat, Sleep, Recycle.
- Recycle every day instead of throwing paper and plastic away.
- Don’t be trashy, recycle.
- Don’t throw away, recycle for another day.
- Recycling takes little effort on your part, for a big difference to our world.
- You can’t change the past, but you can change the future, so always remember to recycle.
- Recyclers do it over and over again.
- The choice is yours: Save it or waste it.
- Do it for the kids: Recycle!
- Don’t trash our future: Recycle.
- Recycle your trash or trash your earth.
- Waste is a terrible thing: Recycle.
- Think globally, act locally!
- Recycle for a life cycle!
- Money grows on trees: Recycle paper.
- It’s a recycling thing, you wouldn’t understand
- Think smart, think green: Recycle!
- Think outside the trash…Recycle!
- Don’t be a punk! Recycle your junk!
- Shut up & recycle.
- Recycling: a cool thing to do.
- Recycling: It’s no waste of time.
- Recycling plastic feels fantastic!
- Reuse old news!
- Reuse aluminum. Why? Because you CAN.
- Reuse yesteryear, Recycle the current, Save the near future!
- Time to think of recycling.
- Think Smart, Think Green – Recycle!
- What goes around, comes around again.
- When in doubt, don’t throw it out!
- Waste is a terrible thing: Recycle.
- Waste it once…pay for it twice!
- Wise people recycle.
- With Recycling; the possibilities are endless.
- When you refuse to reuse, it’s our Earth you abuse.
- Why recycle glass? The answer is clear.
- You will produce about 127,604 pounds of garbage in your lifetime. Recycle.
- Think globally, act locally!
- The choice is yours: Save it or waste it.
- The plastic of today is the habitat of tomorrow.
- Time is the only thing we can’t recycle.
- Time to think of recycling.

These quotes and phrases will help you get excited about recycling and encourage others to do the same.