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11 Predators That Call Florida Home

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Predator animals come in all shapes and sizes. You don’t have to be huge to be a killer. Florida, with its warm climate, is home to some of the world’s most dangerous animals.

These are expert hunters that can take down their prey without much trouble. They are at the peak of their respective food chains, and can even pose a threat to humans who wander too close, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

Tropical weather provides the perfect conditions for wildlife to thrive. With amazing coasts, swamplands, and thriving forests inland, Florida has rich ecosystems teeming with animal life.

All of those animals, naturally, are a big draw to predator animals.

Some are native to Florida, and some have been introduced by humans over the years. Whether they started here or moved here, predators stay because they have a steady supply of food and warm weather.

We’ve put together a list of 11 of the most dangerous predator animals that call Florida home. Knowing what animals are on the list will help you know what you’re dealing with if you come across them.

The List of 11 Predator Animals in Florida

The Black Widow

closeup of a black widow spider

Stories about the black widow spider and its venom have been told for centuries. People afraid of spiders are so scared that they sometimes won’t even come close to see whether a spider is, in fact, a black widow.

That means there are a ton of misreported sightings. Florida is home to all sorts of spider species, but black widows live here too.

As you may know, the black widow spider stands out because of an hourglass-shaped reddish-orange marking under the abdomen.

Even though they are big for spiders, black widows aren’t huge. They’re usually the size of a quarter and don’t love being exposed. They’ll hide under pots in sheds or behind tools.

One clue that you have a black widow spider is if you’ve got a ton of thick spider webs around. These spiders are such prolific bug hunters that some people keep them around because they get rid of mosquitoes and flies.


alligator in water showing teeth and tail

The University of Florida’s mascot is the ‘gator’. These guys are so common in Florida that you can see videos online of alligators hanging out on golf courses or taking a stroll through suburban neighborhoods.

A few years ago, an alligator got into Disney’s amusement park and killed a small child.

These guys have been around for millions of years. It’s not that they’re looking to grab humans, it’s just that they’re not very advanced. They see food within reach and clamp down hard with their massive jaws.

You can find alligators all over the state, and people from out of town love to take swamp tours where they can see them swimming in the wild.


shark swimming in the sea on a sunny day

Florida is famous for its beaches, but there aren’t just waves to worry about. Atlantic Ocean sharks come down to the Florida coast for warm water feeding on everything from turtles to dolphins.

They aren’t very picky eaters, and surfers who have been to other parts of the world often say that Florida sharks are some of the most aggressive they’ve ever seen.

Sharks don’t usually hunt for humans, but sometimes may confuse a human for another tasty animal.

Black Bear

black bear walking down a rocky road

Yes, Florida has bears too. Florida has thousands of wild black bears on its borders and you may come across one while on a hike outside.

Typically, there’s not much to worry about if you see a black bear unless they’re starving or have young bears nearby and they view you as a threat.

Bears are such apex predators that they don’t even worry about the presence of humans all that much. You’ll find them sifting through open trash cans or even getting inside cars to look for food.

Brown Recluse Spider

closeup of a brown recluse spider

Circling back to spiders, you’ll also find brown recluse spiders in Florida. They have an extremely venomous bite used to kill insects and even birds. If a human is bitten by one, it’s a sure visit to the hospital and will be enough to get you vomiting and feeling sick for days.

The spider is named “recluse” because it likes to hide in dark places. That’s how a lot of bites happen, with someone unwittingly sticking their hand in a place where the spider calls home.

Timber Rattlesnakes

a coiled up rattlesnake

Floridians come across snakes all of the time. The hot and humid weather in the area makes it an ideal place for many snake species.

These cold-blooded animals can’t get too hot, though, so they’ll look for shady spots under tables, porches, and playgrounds where they can cool off.

They aren’t usually aggressive toward humans unless they feel threatened. The problem is most people don’t realize they are threatening a snake before it’s too late.

Luckily, the timber rattlesnake makes a loud sound to keep threats away, so you should hear it before you see it.

Burmese Pythons

closeup of a burmese python

At the beginning of this article, we mentioned that some of the predators in Florida aren’t native to the state.

Unfortunately, the Burmese python is an example of this. Florida game and wildlife officials have captured absolutely massive Burmese pythons in the wild.

They can only guess that irresponsible snake owners let their pets out into the wild where they feed on cats, dogs, small deer, and other animals they come across. They are incredibly strong and can take down some fairly large animals.

Some of these pythons even escaped from zoos during Hurricane Andrew years ago, and are still out there slithering around. Experts estimate there could be as many as 180.000 pythons in the Everglades.

Eastern Coral Snake

eastern coral snake

There are a lot of venomous snakes in Florida, but the eastern coral snake is one of the most deadly.

These are small snakes, growing only around 25 inches long, but they stand out from the crowd with their bands of yellow, red, and black on their bodies.

A single drop of venom is enough to send you to the hospital, and a bite could be lethal if enough venom gets in someone. They usually only bite if they are grabbed or stepped on.


black panther with an intense look

The Florida state animal is the panther. These are at the top of the local food chain, with only humans and the occasional alligator getting the best of them.

They are, now, one of the most endangered animals in the world, with most estimates at around 200 left in the wild.

People hunted them for their skins, and development centuries ago decimated their numbers.

Odds are you won’t come across one, but they are still incredibly impressive animals. They can jump up to 15 feet high. The good news is that there has never been a single reported panther attack on humans.


a crocodile under water treading

Florida gets a ton of fame for its high number of alligators, but it’s also home to the American crocodile. This animal is found only in the southern regions of Florida, and you can differentiate a croc from an alligator by its shorter, broader snout.

They are also usually lighter in color than alligators and have long teeth on their bottom jaw that stick out even when their mouth is closed.

Crocodiles are powerful hunters, but they are usually shy and will swim away if humans come too close. They’ll even likely run if you come near.

Fire Ants

a group of red fire ants

You don’t typically think of “predators” when ants come to mind, but Florida fire ants are just that.

These are extremely aggressive ants that hunt in crowds. They swarm onto larger animals and take them down before they chop them up into little bits and carry them back to the nest.

If a human comes across a swarm of fire ants, they should avoid them. Caught unaware, many Floridians have felt the sting and the pain of a fire ant bite. The area will swell up and turn red for days.


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