Things Ladybugs Love to Eat


(and 5 They Don't)

Some people believe ladybugs, or more accurately Lady Beetles, bring good luck. And with good reason. These little insects munch all the pests that eat your plants and spoil your beautiful garden.

Aphids, also called Blackfly or Greenfly, are small bugs that eat plant sap. They are one of the worst pests as they reproduce rapidly. Aphids can even create live young without mating.



Mealybugs look like tiny aliens. They have a scale-like exterior and long spindly legs. Mealybugs will eat the delicious nectar and sap of indoor and outdoor plants.



Spider Mites aren’t insects per se. They are tiny, colorful critters. Much like a spider, they have two central body parts and eight legs

Spider Mites

Spider Mites

Small spiders have soft bodies, making them easy targets for the voracious Ladybug. They are opportunistic eaters, so will consume any spider they come across.

